Stock – Global Price And Cost Changes
The system includes a powerful management tool that calculates the effect of a proposed Selling Price or Cost change without updating the stock file – a “what-if” analysis. You can then update the stock file with updated Cost and Selling Prices.
The Selling Price of a number of pre-selected items can be changed by a fixed percentage or fixed monetary value at one time. A report is produced, which can then be used to:
– Review the effect of any proposed price changes on stock items.
– Revalue stocks when standard costs change.
The process uses the same form for both selling prices and costs.
Ensure all other users are off the system
Ensure you have a recent backup copy of your data – see Back Up Company Data.
Print a list of the existing products or services – see List Stock File Records.
Print a price list – see Print Price Lists.
Either: On the main menu click Stock > Global Price Change, or; Stock > Global Cost Change to open form.
Complete the form – see below.
Ensure the balance on nominal ledger stock accounts equals the stock value after update. Ensure valuation adjustments are correctly recorded in the nominal ledger.
Sign and date report and file in a secure location with print made prior to update.

- Input product category to be updated.
- Input positive or negative percentage by which prices or costs will be changed, or –
- Positive or negative monetary value (GBP) that items will be changed by. If both Percent & Amount boxes are used, new values will be calculated using Percent. The amount value will then be added onto the resulting value – i.e. tick one box or both to effect change for All products in the range.
- Price code: Select either standard or special price codes required to change.
- If Trial Run checked a report is printed listing your option settings and those stock items selected along with their old and new selling prices. Stock files are not updated. If unchecked a report is printed and stock files are updated.