Purchase Ledger – Reject Register Items
Use whenever supplier invoices and/or credit notes have been authorised to reject those that have been rejected and require crediting or other treatment.
On the main menu click Ledgers > Purchase Ledger > Invoice Register > Reject to open form –
see Purchase Ledger Register Reject Items form – below
Mark the items you wish to Reject.
Click OK to reject and clear these items from the Purchase Register.
Copy supplier documents (if required) & distribute to relevant managers to authorise and return.
Print/display a list of Items periodically to enable you to chase those outstanding – see List Purchase Register Items.
Collate rejected supplier invoices to query with the supplier, review or re-enter to the system.

Reject: Use right hand scroll bar to find records to reject, select Yes in Reject column for those items to be updated.
Date: button toggles between received date and transaction date.
Click OK to remove rejected records from the register or click Cancel to ignore changes.