Config – Processes

Organisations or businesses can have any number of processes. For the Hire company their main process is the hire, maintenance, sales and purchasing of equipment. They will have other processes – Accounting, Credit control, HR and Transportation. Prelude Accounting can satisfy their accounting needs and all other processes can be created here. In this help file we will concentrate on the main hire aspects.

Clicking on Process Maintenance brings up this form – now click on New Process to get started. Each database is supplied with a Support Ticket process – more on this later.

Consider where this process will be linked to and tick the appropriate checkboxes.
Consider what fields/attributes you require and then click on ‘Attributes (0)’ on the Hire Module line to open this –

New attribute These are are some examples of the attribute set up forms – for different types.

Calculations are peformed by using the attribute numbers and performing calculations – [attr_1007][attr_1010] – the same applies to +, -, /. Compound calculations use brackets – 150 +([attr_1007][attr_1010]). Groups of additions can be made with – Sum([attr_1010]:[attr_1015]).
The above entries give you a table of attributes where you can see the attribute number.

This will produce a process form –