Produce Sales Order
The creation of sales orders – these allow businesses to monitor the value of work they have in hand.
Preparation: Go to Config > Customer Preferences and select the radio buton to enable sales order processing and click on Submit.
Click on Customer > Produce Order.
Opens the Select Customer form – see Edit Customer to view form.
Select the customer from the dropdown box or the cloud link list.
The Sales Order form appears.
Sales Order Header Page

This form is completed in the same way as quotes – just date and references to be entered – see Produce Quote and Datepicker.
Sales Order Details Page

This form is completed in the same way as quotes –
1. Select Stock item by clicking on the binoculars symbol which will then populate the Description/Analysis box OR
2. Enter details in the Description/Analysis box. Important Note: You can enter as much text as you wish in this box even after the stock description selected – this text will automatically wrap round on the order. To create spaces between paragraphs simply start a new line, add text into the box but don’t add anything else. – see Produce Invoice.
3. Enter Quantity and Unit Cost – or overwrite or accept stock/service price.
4. Click on Add Line to add details to the grid – above, four have been added and one is available to be added.
5. To edit a line click on that line’s [Edit ]caption – the line will display editing line and put the details in the top section – edit the top section and click on Save.
6. To delete a line click on the [Delete] caption – you will be asked to verify before the line is deleted.
Click on the Additional Text tab to add notes or further details to the order – add notes and a narrative or select payable on presentation plus bank details. This Additional Notes information appears in the footer of the order.
Additional Text Page

Preview Button – Gives a preview of the order for you to check before saving.
Suspend Button – Allows you to save and come back to later – go to Customer Overview > Orders and Select Order then click Resume editing to continue.
Save Button – Saves the order so that further information can be added later – can only be used once. The order can be found in the Pending section.
Submit Button – Saves to the orders records.
When complete, the final document is available to send by Email or print as a .pdf – this can be attached to an email or sent in the post.
On the final page there are Select activity options for further action. These can be done immediately or later.

Note: Please check whether you have produced a quote first – if so use the facility in Quotes – Convert to Order.
To Convert a Quote to an Order
1. Click on Customers – Title Bar.
2. Then Click on Quotes tab.
3. Identify relevant quote and click on Edit.
4. Then select Convert To Order from Select Activity Menu.
5. The Sales Order form opens with the details of the quote filled in – amend if necessary and Submit.