EPOS – Create And Edit Locations (Branches)
Locations need to be set up before beginning to use the system.
To get the most benefit from the system barcodes should also be set set up – see Stock-Use Integrated Barcodes
The system allows users to maintain many EPOS locations, identified by a 2-character text code and optional description. Each EPOS Location can trade using a unique stock location. An EPOS location can also use a unique bank account and transactions can be recorded to individually tailored nominal ledger accounts.
First time use only – Decide on the naming conventions and formats for your retail locations – these can be departments within a single branch, or multiple branches, each at separate locations. Your Prelude distributor will supply any support or help you require in order to do this.
Decide whether an EPOS location will identify an individual till, group of tills or the whole branch or outlet.
Create and configure as many EPOS locations as you will require based on these decisions.
On the main menu click View > Parameters > EPOS to open form.
Select required options on form.
Complete EPOS Parameters – Main Page details.
Complete EPOS – Location Settings Form details and EPOS and Nominal Ledger Codes Form details. For multiple EPOS locations, these forms must be completed for each EPOS location. These will require EPOS nominal analysis codes to be set up in advance – see Add & Edit Nominal Accounts
Close form.