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EPOS – Change Float

Purpose: To amend the float in a till without having to complete a reconciliation.Changes to floats will, however, need to form part of the reconciliation. For example to accommodate operations in a retail environment in which cashing up might be done some time after the float is taken out of the till, and the float might be changed more than once before cashing up is done, e.g. in a busy bar. Changing the float ‘freezes’ the transactions until a reconcilation is done, then updates with the transactions since the reconcilation. In this context ‘float’ means all of the cash+ cheques in the till, being reduced by bankings and money taken out of the till.

Process: Prelude tracks the three sequential stages of the EPOS receipt/payment (cash, cheque or card) for the purposes of reconciliation:

  • Still in the till, i.e. float hasn’t been changed yet.
  • Not in the till but not yet reconciled, i.e. float has been taken out of the till but cashing up has not been done yet.
  • Reconciled, i.e. cashing up has been done and balances have been posted to bank, card and float accounts.

Change Float’ must be done before ‘Cash Reconciliation’.

  • If ‘Change Float’ is pressed after ‘Change Float ’ was the last to be pressed is OK. The float changed more than once since last cashing up, and OK-Only message box ‘Float changed’ after change float actions have been done. For example, where the till is full and you need to take out some of notes or cash to create room or where you need to add denominations e.g. a £5 bag of 20p.
  • If ‘Change Float’ is pressed after ‘Cash Reconciliation’ was the last to be pressed is OK, float changed at least once since last cashing up, and OK-Only message box ‘Float changed’ after change float actions have been done.
  • If ‘Cash Reconciliation’ is pressed after ‘Change Float’ was the last to be pressed is OK and the Cash Reconciliation form is opened.
  • If ‘Cash Reconciliation’ is pressed after ‘Cash Reconciliation’ was the last to be pressed is not OK and you will get aYes/No/Cancel ‘Float has not been changed since last Cash reconciliation. Change float for you before you continue?’ message.
    Click on Yes to change float (i.e. do actions as defined above) and open Cash Reconciliation form.
    Opens message box – “Some transactions will be excluded which may cause reconciliation differences. Continue?”
    Click on Yes to open Cash Reconciliation form.
    Click on No to return to Main menu.
  • Click on Cancel to return to Main menu.

The Cash Reconciliation form is populated only with EPOS payments/receipts since the last Cash Reconciliation, i.e. that are still in the till and not yet reconciled.