SOP – EPOD – Electronic Proof Of Delivery
Overview: Using hand held devices details of deliveries can be displayed to a customer and a signature obtained on that device to indicate that the goods have been received. The signature is time-stamped.
A time-stamped signature is the ‘Proof of Delivery’. Information relating to the delivery are contained in the sales order for the customer and a delivery note given to the customer at the time of delivery. Sufficient details of that order are contained in the hand held device to enable the signature to be appended to the correct order. The signature is saved as an image. Up to 10 images can be stored – allowing up to 10 part deliveries against an order or a number of other images.
The technology allowing the signatures to be obtained and be sent back to Prelude SOP is known as TAAP. The version currently is TAAP Connect API V 3.1.
The process involves a number of steps + error checking
Service Declaration
Message Send
Message Get Processing
If no signature obtained a message can still be sent to record time and date when package was delivered.
As well as being able to send images of signatures the application will allow photos/pictures to be taken e.g. damage to a vehicle and sent for action and storage.
EPOD creates a csv file that includes the username for identification and security purposes.